Thursday, September 22, 2005

Geoff's Stock Picks or How I Stopped Worrying And Learned to Love the Markets

A real conversation:

Dad:So what should I buy?
Geo: Well, I think you guys are in a bidding war to buy AOL. Buy some of that...
Dad: [typing heard] Really? I didn't know that.
Geo: Oh Yeah, it's all over the place.
Dad:[typing heard] Really?
Dad:What else?
Geo:Google. You should buy some Google.
Dad: [typing heard] I'm not sure I'm allowed.
Geo:Well, it's going through the roof.
Dad: [typing heard] Okay.
Geo:Well, actually it's gone to 311 today
Geo:Shit. I could have bought it the other day at 303.
Geo:Actually, it's down from 318.
Dad:Oh, well, we're in for 15 now.
Geo: and it's... what???? what did you do??!!!???
Dad:We're in for 15. And 200 AOL.
Dad:You said to buy them, so I did.
Dad:You said to.
Geo: And you choose to listen to me NOW?!!??
Dad:Well, yeah.
Geo:Your making this up.
Dad: No, here's the order (send copy of order)
Geo:Dad! Are you crazy?
Dad: Possibly.
Geo: That's a lot of money.
Dad:Not really. And I'll give you half the profits.
Geo:Buy me an X-box 360
Geo: You'll invest in the markets but not your son?
Dad: As soon as there is a professional Halo team, you've got my backing. Until then....

And so AOL/TWX and GOOG get added to the Horvath Money Bin.

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