Saturday, November 12, 2005

My Best Friend from Junior High...

... writes me the best note I have recieved in months. Tara and I were inseperable friends at the Charles E Brake Junior High in Taylor Michigan 28 years ago. Tara introduced me to Steve Martin, Saturday Night Live and a host of other life-shaping things. I moved to PA in 1978 and haven't really heard from here since about 1980.

Yesterday, I receved this note on my AOL account:

Dear Mr. Horvath,
Little did I know that my search for "Evil Genius" on Google this morning would lead me to you. Again.


Anonymous said...

That's not quite true. YOU stopped corresponding around 1988. We wrote to each other profusely after you moved to PA. We even played Monopoly via the mail.

MAH said...

True, true, I cop to it.

However, I'm much more reliable with email.

And you still owe me rent on Pennsylvania Ave.