Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Why peanut butter is the atheists nightmare!

Wow. Let's just say the authors don't have a really strong grasp of how big and old the universe appears to be. Most of the other errors come out from there.

To it's credit, it's short, punchy and memorable in a way that cosmology almost never is.

Thanks Brian!


Anonymous said...

It's called "illustrating absurdity by being absurd" I used to have the same reaction from reading Dawkins' books.

MAH said...

Are you suggesting it's a parody?

Anonymous said...

Sort of, But it's a parody of evolution theory, not creation science.

MAH said...

Really? I've watched many of te sections,

It seems like it's meant to be taken seriously. In fact it seems to be be structured like a "feel good" session for people made to feel doubtful by "folks in white lab coats with the word Dr. in fron tof their names". If it's a parody, I don't get quite get it.

Seemed like straight propaganda.

Anonymous said...

It's "sort of" a parody. for lack of a better word.

Christian science is at odds with evolution on two main points. Origins, and mutations. This vid pokes fun at origins by comparing the evolutionary version of the origin of life to a jar of peanut butter. Whatever version of scientific evolution you subscribe to, it has to begin with non-life becoming life. they are saying that there is as much chance of that happening as for life to begin in one of millions of jars of peanut butter on the shelves of many millions of stores. It could have been cans of soup or bags of potato chips. The peanut butter is only the page. It's not the message. Perhaps it is that you don't "get" the joke, because it's on you. Nothing personal. :/