Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The 7 Signs!

One wonders how hard they had to work to make sure it came out to exactly 7:


This is both foolish and dangerous. Foolish because the guidance is so generic and silly as to be useless (other than the idea that you should "be afraid, all the time". Dangerous because it ties up resouces with false positives and diseminates misinformation. Even the examples are stupid, e.g. why would a terrorist steal a suit from a dry cleaner? Its that terribly risky? Wouldn't it be likely they could be caught or identified by in-store recording? Would a suit grabbed at random even fit? Better to buy one at a store (or even a Goodwill Store) and avoid the risks.

I hate pointless, useless security and when it's disseminated by the government, it's even worse. What a waste of money.


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