Wednesday, September 26, 2007


So I bought my cat Bitey some "Sheba" brand cat food as a treat. There used to be three cats in the house, Buster, Sam and Artemis (Bitey), but alas, Sam and Buster got very old and passed away over the summer (I got a rather suspecious look from the folks at the pet morgue when I brought the second one in a few weeks after the first one died. If Artemis snuffs it, I'll have to send her out of state for sure). While she fought constantly with the other two (she fights constantly with *everyone*), she has been a little lonely lately. I thought some high-end cat food might be a treat for her, but she's mostly uninterested. Which is a pity, because it has rich, thick hunks of tender, slow roasted breast meat, soaked in a creamed gravey sauce.

A real pity. It was just sitting there on the plate. Untouched.



Big Hunks.

Just waiting....

I have to say...

It's fucking delicious!

1 comment:

Tom Sisson said...

you are now officially ready for life in a nursing home...