Friday, May 05, 2006

Interesting Free Market Solution

I just got back from a week in Minneapolis, which was kind of interesting. In true libertarian fashion, they have almost no gun control laws. You can take your gun with you to the grocery store, to the playground, to the hospital, to the ATM line or to the porta-potties at the county fair.


Business owners are also free to ban guns from their stores. "No guns allowed on these premises", "ING bans guns in this building", etc. . I thought this was an interesting approach. Not necessarily one I agree with, but interesting. The message is very libertarian, "You can have your toys, just don't bring them in here if you want to do business with me"

In a week of looking, I was unsuccessful in finding a single business (including a gun store) that *did not* have as sign banning guns.

I now need to look at the homicide, manslaughter and accidental gun death statistics on Minnesota and think about this a little more.

1 comment:

Brian Dunbar said...

I did not know that about Minneapolis. But it does explain the amount of weaponry on display at Marscon, and why they were all peace bonded.