Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A Masterpiece of Sloppy Thinking

[This is my once every few week non-humorous posts]

From Pharyngula:

What else can I think, when reading Echidne of the Snakes, I run across this astonishing gem of self-loathing femininity.
If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt and politics, what would you do? Hoo-boy, this is where I get in trouble, and that starts with "T" and that rhymes with "P" and that stands for "pool." I'd like to jump in a pool right now. Some may tell me to jump in a river for this one: I would remove women's suffrage, and I might even consider making voting rights tied to property ownership.
Well, actually, she doesn't get in trouble: read the comments and everyone is quite supportive, and think that disenfranchising the majority of Americans is simply a wonderful idea. It would clear the roles of all those worthless welfare queens who always vote for Democrats, dontcha know. Women aren't supposed to vote or run for office or do anything other than serve their families.

And they're very, very happy about it all.

Happy indeed. Positively jubulent.
A sample:
I completely agree with both removing women’s suffrage and coupling voting rights with property ownership. I am always hesitant to admit my views on the suffrage movement, but I strongly feel that our nation made a grievous error when we allowed women many of the same “rights” as men. First off, I think that voting should be a family affair with the wife putting in her input, but the man ultimately deciding on which candidate he votes for. I think women are too emotional and often vote for the “bleeding heart liberal” cause because it feels right to them. When I tell folks my view on this they always ask if I vote. Yes, I do because my husband wants me to.

My solution is the same as the solution to the abortion question: if you don't think women should vote, and you are a woman, don't vote.

I'm a little shocked that almost a century after woman's sufferage anyone, anyone at all, can still think like this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Part of the thinking here is an old but trusted crutch: when you don't like the current situation, blame "the Other". Blacks, gays, women, liberals, conservatives, you name it. Just goes to show that none of us, even if we are half of the population, should take anything for granted. Also, wouldn't it be interesting to hear a politician struggle for the words to answer the question "Do you support women's continued right to vote?"