Saturday, June 03, 2006

Popular with the Ladies

For those of you who haven't seen me lately, you should know I've grown a goatee. I do this about once every 3 or 4 years and each time it's a little thicker and much grayer than the time before. This time I've asked a number of women their opinions on it and whether or not I should shave it off. This is a non-trival thing as a) in my youth I did this and it looked terrible and b) I don't want to encourage my son to do this. The Horvath hair growing genes don't kick in until 30 or so and then they merely move the hair from the scalp to the face (and other, less postable places).
So far the verdict is unanimous, 7:0 in favor of keeping it. So, for now anyway, it stays. I'm surprised that there has been *no* decenting opinions on this as pretty much everything I do has some detractors.

So my question is this ladies: what the hell is so wrong with my face that it needs to be covered with hair?????

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