Monday, July 24, 2006

My Extremely Generous Contributions at Work

As you know if you read this blog, I give a lot of money to the ACLU. There are two benefits to this; 1) the protect my freedom and 2) it annoys the boy to know the money that would otherwise go to X-box stuff is going to a "liberal" group.

You also know, if you read this, I'm no fan of Fred Phelps.

And now, my hard earned sheckles are going to defend him. Ugh.

ACLU Backs Funeral Picketers:
The ACLU has filed suit on behalf of a religious group that pickets military funerals with anti-gay messages. The suit challenges the state of Missouri's law barring picketing near military funerals. An equivalent federal measure was signed into law earlier this year.

I dont agree, but I really am fighting (at least by proxy) for his right to be a jerk.

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