Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The London Olympic Logo

From the same friend of mine who wrote my linked-in recommendation.

After hours of analysis I have come to the conclusion that the new logo
is a picture of Lisa Simpson giving someone a blow job.

he's right too!
You should see the losers along with some commentary.


Tom Sisson said...

a headless Millhouse? reminds me of the Family Guy Diamonds Commercial... "She'll pretty much have to."

Brian Dunbar said...

I saw it and went 'hunh'. Then read a blog post pointing out the Lisa Simpson BJ reference - with a handy animated GIF to drive the point into my skull.

THEN I read that it's _really_ the numbers 2012. Except now I can't see it as anything but Ms. Simpson.

I want to thank the London Olympics committee for spending a bucket load of money on that idea - it's going to make watching the olympics so much more amazingly cool.