Monday, August 27, 2007

Bedtime for Gonzo

I had wondered why the Senate had given in on the President's unconstitutional wiretapping program, even if only for the next six months. I had half-suspected that Bush had given them Gonzales because, pretty much, that would be the only horse worth trading. It seems that intuition was astute and I should have listened to it more carefully.

Now it gets very interesting. I wonder if part of the deal was an agreement from the Senate to confirm Bush's next choice. Seems likely as Gonzales, and his refusal to prosecute contempt of congress charges, was the only thing standing between the President and any real oversight. Assuming Congress does it job, it's now possible to get Rove up on the hill. Also, props to the White House for a) releasing this on a Monday to avoid the Sunday news shows and b) doing this on the weekend before Labor Day. Should be interesting.

Also, on another note, I'm back from 2 weeks of moving, travel and general tomfoolery.

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