Tuesday, January 01, 2008

The Devil!

No, not me! Harry Potter!

Joe Ratzinger has a chief exorcist who, while not busy helping folks avoid responsibility for their actions (or in some cases treatment for the schizophrenia) by blaming human failing on an imaginary demi-god, has time to do a Dan Quayle act on Harry Potter:

Pope Benedict XVI's chief exorcist, Rev. Gabriele Amorth, has called fictional wizard-in-training Harry Potter the "king of darkness, the devil."
"Magic is always a turn to the devil," said the Roman Catholic priest, according to Britain's Daily Mail newspaper.

"Magic is always a turn to the devil". Hmmmm... it seems to me his church is full of magic:

Transubstantiation? Magic
Healing Lepers? Magic
A guy raised from the dead? Magic!
A god who watches everything yuo do and deals eternal punishment for making fun of Joe Ratzinger? Magic!

By George, he's right! Magic is the work of the devil!

Most adults know though there is no such thing as magic, and in that light, the "devil" responsible becomes pretty obvious.

(I note approvingly the Canadians have properly categorized this in "Arts and Entertainment").

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