Tuesday, August 09, 2005

What do W and FDR have in common?

Among many other things, they both love vacations!

Vacationing Bush Poised to Set a Record

The August getaway is Bush's 49th trip to his cherished ranch since taking office and the 319th day that Bush has spent, entirely or partially, in Crawford -- nearly 20 percent of his presidency to date, according to Mark Knoller, a CBS Radio reporter known for keeping better records of the president's travel than the White House itself. Weekends and holidays at Camp David or at his parents' compound in Kennebunkport, Maine, bump up the proportion of Bush's time away from Washington even further.

It's a good thing there isn't a war on or something.
Or maybe vacationing is the way we need to support the troops!

Snarkiness aside, it goes in my column of evidence that W thinks he's a King, not a President.

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