Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Texas Leads the Way!

I see the Texans have already made a good start at getting government out of the bedroom and off our backs (via Volokh)

Opponents of a proposed amendment to the Texas Constitution banning same-sex marriage said Monday the initiative's poor wording could effectively nullify all marriages.
Proposition 2 on the Nov. 8 ballot states that marriage exists only as a union of one man and one woman.
It then adds that the state or political subdivision of the state "may not create or recognize any legal status identical or similar to marriage."
"That in the hands of an activist judge could lead to the ruin of my marriage and every other marriage in this state because the status that is most identical to marriage is obviously marriage itself," said Trampes Crow, a graduate student at the University of Texas and a former army captain who served in Afghanistan and Iraq.

I'd say it's still in Captain Crow's hands to save or ruin his own marriage, but folks like to have a State to blame...

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