Friday, February 10, 2006

On the Plus Side, They Aren't Actually Burning Buildings

... except perhaps a few of "those" churches in the South. On the other hand, they do vote, which is at least as devistating:

From Fundie's Say The Darndest Things

Average rating: 3.62Rated 13 times.

"DURING THE TIME WHEN ISRAEL - GOD'S CHOOSEN PEOPLE - were backslidden, HE [GOD] raised up Wicked Rullers, TO CHASTEN HIS OWN! SO it is today! God has given us a respite, with BUSH - but remember the Agenda of the ENEMY! HILLARY CLINTON - Hopes to be the Next President of the USA! UNLESS - CHRISTIANS - CRY OUT IN REPENTANCE FOR OUR SINS, AND FAILURE TO OBEY GOD, She will BE IT!"

1 comment:

richmanwisco said...

Always hilarious.....and liberals are god fearing people as well, funny to think the fundies think that god is on their side only....hmmm...irony anyone? baked fresh this morning