Monday, November 26, 2007

The Smartest Man on Basic Cable

I'm not sure of the purpose of this hit piece on Ben Stein. I'm not a huge fan, and he seems to be take his invisible friend very seriously, but this seems a pointless attack on someone's intellectual insecurities.

Perhaps Stein's oddest avocation is being a financial guru to hookers. "Aside from practicing pimps, nobody knows as many call girls as I do," he says. It began when Stein was a columnist for the Journal, spending his afternoons by the pool in his West Hollywood apartment building, which was populated by call girls. "I think I put a couple of them in Berkshire Hathaway and made them a lot of money," he says. His skills are so well known, he boasts, that pros he's never met spot him at bars and ask about mutual funds.


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