Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Not Just the Army

An interesting Op-Ed piece on the middle class of the Army and why they seem to be struggling. Well, to be honest, it only explains it if you buy the premise that the current Army is like the one in 1969, which, I kind of don't. It' an opinion piece so the bar for supporting facts is low, but I have to say I don' t know that it meets even that. On the other hand, there is a pretty good quote I like:

The mistake the Army made then is the same mistake it is making now: how can you educate a group of handpicked students at one of the best universities in the world and then treat them as if they are too stupid to know when they have been told a lie?

which, I submit, applies not only to the members of West Point, but to the rest of us as well.

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