Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The Road to Cartagena

I'm off to Cartagena tomorrow at 4am and, it should be noted for the record, I'm doing it over Jim's express objections. Jim is not the kind of person to object to this kind of thing lightly and I had to pause for a few minutes when he said, "you look terrible". At the height of the brain worms, when I could bearly string a noun and verb together and forgot to bathe for 3 days he said I was "fine". I almost cancelled but:

1) I am no longer contagious
2) I feel better than I did this morning
3) no new infections have opened
4) some of the open ones are no longer oozing puss
5) I promised my colleagues I would do this.

conclusion: I am still on this hook for this. The goal line for this is low. At a minimum I need to do a 30 minute presentation I have done before. If I meet the chairman of the central bank for dinner tomorrow, it's bonus. Breakfast with Banco Azteca? Double bonus! Other meeting, double, secret bonus! If I truly feel ill, I will cancel everything but the talk, however I really think the zithromax is kicking in and should be fine.

What could go wrong?

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