Thursday, August 02, 2007

Angels, meet Pin: Pin, Angels

The god-volken are having the usual sectarian debate about who is more correct in their ghost hunting, Brownback or Huckabee.

"Last Sunday, the Brownback for President campaign privately contacted the Huckabee campaign and asked them to intervene and stop this anti-Catholic whisper campaign," said John Rankin, Iowa communications director of Brownback for President. "After two days, the Huckabee campaign did not respond, which left the impression that they would not take action to end the anti-Catholic whisper campaign by their supporters. While we are all delighted that Mr. Saltsman is a lifelong Catholic, we deplore the anti-Catholic whisper campaign being perpetuated by Huckabee supporters. The Huckabee campaign's response lacked a clear denunciation of the offensive contents of the email."

This happens when you ust make shit up and expect everyone to believe. Would you feel comfortable with either of their fingers on the nuclear trigger? Me either.

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