Saturday, October 15, 2005

Birth Snark

I'm catching up on stuff after a few busy days at work and while I pack up. So when I took a look at Slate this morning, the first article I read was Dana Stevens' on the Scientology Birth Plan.

Yes, of course the plan is total crap, but she does a great job summing it up into one line:

Apparently pretending to all concerned that pushing a human being out your coochie is not only painless, but downright relaxing, will "save both the sanity of the mother and the child and safeguard the home to which they will go."

I was in the room when my son was born. I have no idea at all why any rational woman would ever want a second child. If I were her, I'd fill the damnable portal with cement, cover it with the Seal of Solomon and chop my husband's dick off for good measure. "silence" isn't in it.

Read the rest of the article, it's pretty funny.

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