Monday, October 10, 2005

When the AIP says Comprehensive, They Mean It!

I was looking for some code to do a numerical simulation of a stellar atmosphere and came across an American Institute of Physics page on Climate Change. It claims to be comprehensive. Skimming through it, I caught a reference that made me believe it:

Young, N.W. (1979). "Responses of Ice Sheets to Environmental Changes." In Sea Level, Ice and Climatic Change. Proceedings of the Symposium... 7-8 December 1979, edited by Ian Allison, pp. 331-60. Washington, DC: International Association of Hydrological Sciences, publication no. 131.
Young, William R. (2000). "The Future of Physical Oceanography." In Fifty Years of Ocean Discovery. National Science Foundation 1950-2000, edited by National Research Council, Ocean Studies Board pp. 165-71. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
Zelazny, Roger (1969). Damnation Alley. New York: Putnam.
Zeng, Ning (2003). "Drought in the Sahel." Science 302: 999-1000.
Zeuner, F.E. (1946 [4th ed., 1958]). Dating the Past. London: Methuen.
Ziman, John, Ed. (2000). Technological Innovation as an Evolutionary Process. Cambridge: Cambridge

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