Wednesday, September 14, 2005

True Tales

TJIC sent this out yesterday and reading it is like watching a train wreck, horrifying yet I dare not look away. True tales from the Piercing Hut:

There was one woman who was maybe in her late thirties who apparently had a thing for much younger men who would come in once a week to have her jewelry changed for a VCH, the entire time making very inappropriate comments. It all came to an end the day she put her hand on the back of my head while I was changing her ring. Another time a pretty frequent client of the shop had just purchased nipple shields that she was so proud of that after I put them on for her she had to walk around the shop showing everyone shaking her tits in their face. This would have been simply just a strange moment had her son, also a frequent client, not been sitting in the waiting room at the time.

I don't know what a VCH is, and I'm avoiding looking it up or listening to the Hermione Granger part of my brain saying, "well V must be..."

He also sent over this, which is part of the Advanced Gross-Out for Adults. Don't say I didn't warn you. Here.

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